Friday, April 8, 2011

Now is a good time to buy your tomato plants

Pick out your tomato plants now before the varieties you want are sold out. Keep them in a sunny window, under grow lights, or protected place while you wait to plant them. Tomato plants can be planted around April 15. I love that day! Plant them under hot caps (white paper domes from the garden center). Plant them as deeply as you can. More roots will develop along the stem. Water them well and place the hot cap over the top. Secure the hot cap with dirt in the paper "moat" to keep it from blowing away. You should be able to leave it alone with no additional watering until mid- to late-May.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice. Thank you for this helpful blog. I just hope that I can keep up with the schedule. April 15, seems a little dreadful.
