Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Make your own hotcaps!

I was at the garden center yesterday and right next to the official HotKaps (for 89 cents EACH) was this sample homemade hotcap. You cut an X in the bottom of a milk carton and then 2" up the sides. Flare out the triangular pieces. Cover your plant and throw dirt on the flared out portion to secure them down so they don't blow away. This is great! They stand a little taller than just cutting off the bottom of the milk carton and are more secure.

NOTE: I tried milk carton hotcaps last year and my plants got too hot. So keep the lid of the milk carton off unless it gets really cold. Then you can just go out and put the lids on for a day or two.

Thanks to Vineyard Garden Center for this great tip.

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